Saturday, May 24, 2014


Lies, attacks, fiery darts of negativity and deception have been thrown at me left and right for awhile now. I began to believe those lies and forgot who I am, what I am and where I'm going. Got a fresh breath last night. Already, only an hour or so after, doubt and fear began to resurface. I wrestled all night with it in what I can only describe as a spiritual battle of epic proportions. Once I finally got some sleep, the war was still raging on keeping me from resting well. When I woke up this morning, I made the wrong move of checking my phone and Facebook before grabbing my Bible and I felt the war begin again. I'm stomping and squashing that NOW. Truth.
"The truth is... " may be a new thing for me. 
The truth is... I am NOT crazy. The truth is.... I am worth dying for. The truth is... only HE can provide my healing and only HE can provide the security and love I desire.

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