I had an incredible, amazing, wonderful, fabulous weekend. My friends and family know that isn't something you would normally hear out of my mouth so, yes, it was indeed that great.
I'm not going to go into huge amounts of detail on some of it but there were some parts I felt I HAD to share on my blog.
I had really been dreading Valentine's Day (or what I was calling Singles Awareness Day) this year but had decided to go about it differently (you can read about that
here, where I mentioned the month of praying for your future husband). It ended up being a wonderful day. I had breakfast with my mama and my daughter after waking my sweet princess up to give her gifts. I did pray throughout the day for whoever I was meant to spend the rest of my life with to be safe, make good choices, that he was in relationship with the Lord, among other things. I just stopped what I was doing and prayed about it every so often. I've never felt so productive in my life. <3
So, to touch on that "lovey-dovey" subject for just a minute I thought I'd just insert right here the little fact that I went on a date this weekend for the first time in over a year. I'm glad I waited. I wasn't ready six months ago and I definitely still wasn't ready one month ago. I don't even think I was ready two weeks ago. This weekend, I felt ready. I made a list just before Christmas of what I felt I wanted and needed in a partner. Things I really just didn't want to compromise. Standards, I suppose. I prayed about those standards, wrote them on paper and in my heart and said, "God, I know you'll bring this person to my life when and IF it is your will, not on my searching or time." and gave up the online profile scouring, asking friends to "hook me up" and decided to just stop feeling lonely and be content.
You know how "they" say "when you stop looking for it" or "when you stop trying"? ;)
Ya know, it's too soon to tell for sure, of course and there are still some things going on that need to be finished up and worked out but... well, it's been an incredible weekend. ;)
I've really gone outside my "comfort zone" this weekend and THAT is where adventure and excitement lie waiting.
So, I have to tell you about the other really big, cool thing that happened this weekend. The church I go to has a ministry called Children of Promise. It's like children's church- for special needs students. I do believe it's the only one I've ever heard of and the only one in our immediate area, although I think it should be MUCH more widespread. I've kind of watched from a distance. Dabbing a tear of joy here and there, offering to do a super easy task at the fall festival, praying for the leaders and the families... but I haven't been obedient.
One Sunday back in the Fall, as they were being dismissed from service I felt this urge to stand up and follow. I fought that and didn't move. I mean, I've spent time with peers at school and friends' family members with Down's Syndrome or mild Autism but what did I really know about it all? What in the world could I do to help?
Cut paper plates, hot glue Noah's arks together and wash paintbrushes.
That's what I could do to help, it turns out.
Yesterday, as they were being dismissed I felt that urge to get up again. I told God (ha, told... noticed that huh?), I said, "I don't know what to do down there! What if they don't want my help? What if I do something wrong? I'm not equipped for this." I CLEARLY at that point heard the words, "Go. Obey. You don't have to know because I do." and the words of Joshua 1:9 came to mind. So I jumped outta my seat and took off. Which is normal for me but usually I'm running out of the church having a panic attack or feeling sick! This time, I felt on fire!!!
I'm glad I obeyed. I was blessed.
I was nervous for a few minutes, just not knowing how to help or what to do. I never felt afraid, just a little nervous that I didn't know how to help. So I observed. I mean, each wonderful person in that class is different with different needs, different talents, different personalities and different ways to soothe themselves and be calmed. I wanted to see their personalities.
Boy, did I! I'm just gonna be straight up real right here- if this young man with cerebral palsy is in church learning about God, praising him with song and painting... what's our excuse? If this beautiful and bright young boy with autism isn't afraid to get up in front of his church family and "Ta-Da!" show off his awareness shirt and help his mother speak about the ministry... what's our excuse?
I've NEVER felt more like I was sitting at Jesus' feet than I did as I sat on my knees at a small table hot gluing paper plate "arks" to beautifully painted cardboard waters. I felt like Martha and Mary met. It was all I could do to hold the tears in until I made it out to my truck in the parking lot. I was sobbing before my daughter and I pulled out on to the highway. The fullness I felt was overwhelming.
If you ever feel God telling you to do something, just do it. It might not make any sense to you or to anyone else. This weekend has been proof to me that the "rules", the "what-if's", the "I-can'ts" are useless wastes of breath. If HE says do it, you better do it. His rewards are too great for words to describe. :)